Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dear Jesus...

Mom has been experiencing a lot of nausea since Wednesday. As I took her to her treatment in Winfield, I could see the discomfort in Mom’s face. The feelings of wanting to help but not being able to “fix” it make my heart ache. If only I had an “easy” button! My only defense against her nausea is prayer. I sat there in the clinic half-halfheartedly reading a book until I noticed I had been reading the same sentence over and over again. Needless to say, I wasn't very focused :-)
I eventually put down the book and began praying, but all I could manage to say in my heart was “Dear Jesus... Dear Jesus...”
I grew up in church. I've been around “church lingo”. When push comes to shove, I can gather up all my Christianese and pray a rather eloquent prayer- if I want to. Fortunately, our Father in Heaven could care less about fancy words. He cares about the heart. It sure is a good thing because “Dear Jesus... Dear Jesus” doesn't cut it in the eloquence department! The amazing thing is, my Jesus knows my heart. He knows every burden I carry. The creator of this entire universe can hear “Dear Jesus” and wrap his loving arms around me and comfort me. Romans 8:26 says,

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans

In my groans, God answered my prayers. He put on your hearts to pray for Mom. For me. Two words. Dear Jesus. He knew what was needed and you, Mom’s faithful prayer warriors listened to God’s prompting. Can you see the reason for my tears now? :-) I am blessed beyond measure.
Thank you for reading my first attempt at blogging- I’m praying (or should I say wordlessly groaning?) Mom will feel up writing again very soon! In the meantime, I humbly ask for a few specific things to add to your prayer list. Mom’s nausea- Please pray she will be able to keep food and fluids down so she can keep up her strength. Mom has tried eating but hasn't been able to keep anything down. They had to give her extra fluids today and will again tomorrow because they don’t want to risk dehydration. I also ask that you pray for the wonderful nurses that care for Mom and so many others that are receiving treatment. They are wonderful ladies and I pray they are able to figure out how to control the nausea! She is taking her anti-nausea medicine on a more consistent basis now. Hopefully it will get in her system quickly and calm her stomach so she can eat and drink. One last thing, please keep my Grandma Shirley in your prayers. Many of you know my Grandmother and if you don’t, you are missing out! I know I feel helpless sometimes- I can only imagine how it would be to watch your child go through this. She is getting, in her own words, “quite an education” through all of this and my heart hurts that she has to at all! I must say she’s one tough cookie, though! Ask her about liver. I dare you :-)
We will update you soon on Mom’s progress. Week one is almost through! God is so good. ALL the time.



  1. My heart has been prompted hourly to keep my sweet friend before the Lord since this journey began. Please know you all are loved. Hugs to you both.

  2. Continuing to lift your mom, you, and all of your family up to our loving Heavenly Father. Thanks for reminding us of God’s goodness!

  3. Watching your child deal with cancer is indeed difficult. I will continue to pray for Shirley, Jacque and all of you.

  4. I am lifting your mom up upon every thought of her! I am also praying for all of your family.

    1. Thank you Ginger! We feel every prayer :-)

  5. Thank you for your post, Lindsay! Since hearing about your mom's hospitalization on Friday, Steve and I have been in near-constant prayer. So grateful that God hears and responds to all our prayers, even the ones with words we cannot utter. I'm praying for you, too, dear Lindsay!

    1. Thank you so much Carol! Mom is home now (just this afternoon) and craving a Hershey's chocolate bar :-) Her wish is my command!

  6. Lindsay, thank you for that verse. I will hide it in my heart. There have been countless times that I have tried to pray & no words would come out. I always knew God knows whats in our heart. This verse speaks volumes to me.
