Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stretching...It's Not Always Easy

Just recently, two separate people have asked me to share some of my testimony…out loud. As in, speaking—in front of real, live people. Did anyone else just get chill bumps other than me as they read this? I mean, the scary bumps that grow leg hair.
Let me share with you one of my deep, dark secrets. I don’t enjoy speaking in crowds. In fact, I forget to breathe normally—my skin turns freakish shades of splotchy pink—my nose runs incessantly and my eyes water because I forget to blink. Am I painting a clear picture here? Surely some of you know what I’m talking about. So when approached by my two friends to share, certainly you can understand my inner-response, Are you nuts? as reasonable.
Now let me back up a moment by stating (because they are probably reading this), it was only a temporary thought and I don’t think either of them is truly nuts. I was actually humbled by their sincere request as they asked me to pray about it. I think my initial prayer went something like, “Lord, you know my fears. Surely you don’t want this of me. I’ve already written out my testimony like You asked…what more is there to do? Plus, I can’t even speak clearly!” (Does that sound like some famous bible character you’ve read about, or what?) Once again, I realized it was pointless to wrestle with the Master. After a brief sigh, I replied, “Okay God…how many times am I going to have to be reminded? It’s not about me. It’s about sharing how a right relationship with You is most important. I get it—again.” And I surrendered.
I shouldn’t be surprised that while God continues to guide me through this incredible journey, He also stretches me out of my comfort zone. Most of the time, it’s during the stretching process that I grow the most. It isn’t always easy, but it has great rewards: An intimate relationship with my heavenly Father as He keeps me primed and able for the journey.
I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

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