Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Journey - Part 11

Trust and Obey - There’s No Other Way
It was June of 2013, and along with many others, I suffered the dreaded allergy plague. After battling a persistent sore throat, I finally caved and went to the doctor for the usual strep test. It was, of course, negative—so with a slightly swollen gland, I was prescribed an antibiotic and sent on my way. After several days, I felt much better, but my gland remained swollen. A week later, I had my usual monthly follow-up appointment with my cancer doctor. After a quick examination, he expressed concern in finding a lump in my right neck gland. A needle biopsy and CT scan were scheduled as soon as possible.
I decided if I had to go to Wichita for a biopsy, the entire day should not be wasted. It’s the law. So the trip of gloom was turned into a mother/daughter day—my mom, myself and my daughter—a three generation affair. We enjoyed a nice lunch and successfully swimsuit shopped at Kohls. Last stop planned, of course, was the doctor’s office. Our waiting room stay was short, and before long we were all ushered into the all-too-familiar little room to await the doctor. Almost immediately he entered with his usual handshake and pleasant introductions ready to proceed. Before he began the biopsy, I asked, “Doctor, do you believe in the power of prayer?” Without hesitation he stated, “Yes, I most certainly do. Prayer is very powerful.” “Good" I said—"because I’ve got a lot of people praying for me right now.” With that assurance, I tilted my head past the doctor to wink at my mom and daughter and said, “Let’s do this!” Everything went smoothly as planned, and before we knew it, we were out the door and on our way home.
The day before my biopsy follow-up appointment, I awoke at 2:48 a.m. early Monday morning. I heard God whisper, “It’s back.” My heart replied, “Really? What do you want me to do?” And God said, Trust Me.
The next day, the doctor’s tests confirmed what God had already told me—my cancer had returned.

To truly know the journey, you have to experience it for yourself. Let me honestly say, I thank God almost every day for the path He has me on right now. In the midst of my struggles, tears and pain, my Savior continues to draw me to Himself—every single time without fail. He has given me a heart of compassion and empathy that surpasses all understanding while increasing my level of trust and faith beyond description.
Do I like having cancer? No.
Do I enjoy daily struggles? No.
Do I find unexplainable rest and peace as I am continually drawn into the arms of my loving Savior? Yes!
Who else can do that but our Almighty God?
To be continued…

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