Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Segway

Several years ago, I went to Branson with some girlfriends. While there, we had the bright idea to ride Segways. If you don’t know what a Segway is, picture standing on a skateboard with big bike-like handles that you hold on to. It actually sounded like loads of fun, so naturally I was game.

The Segway instructors were patient and very professional, training us how to use the vehicle properly. Before being released at top speed, you had to pass an “operational test” at a slower speed. After passing the test, you were given free reign of the track.

The key to power was leaning forward with your body into the bars—standing straight up would slow you down. After about 10-15 minutes of tootling around the track, I thought I had it mastered—piece of cake—and was released from my training session.

Several of us girls wheeled around the curves as if we were power-shopping on Black Friday. It was great fun. We laughed and giggled at how silly we looked until our faces hurt. Then all too soon, our time was up and the instructors motioned us into the pit stop.I wanted to take one last spin on my power board, so I maneuvered myself quickly around the curves before coasting into the pit.

As I slowed to stop, I stepped off the board. My body accidently leaned forward which caused my Segway to leap forward…with me still holding on. I began to spin in circles as I held on tightly to the handlebars. All the tootle training I’d mastered earlier instantly vanished. As I made circle donuts aside my runaway Segway, I could see my girlfriends out of the corner of my eye laughing hysterically. They were all shouting, “Just let go! Let go!” All I could think of was, they’re all laughing, and I’m gonna die!

Somehow I managed to maneuver my body upright enough for the contraption to come to a halt. The instructors rushed to my side and quickly took possession of the beast—rescuing me from my awkward display of spinning aerobics—and what dignity, if any, I had left. Afterwards, I realized how silly I must’ve looked and joined in the laughter.

Sometimes we go through life and want to hold on to things that aren’t necessarily good for us. We hear the words, “Just let go!” It sounds easy enough—but instead we tighten our grip, lose focus of the instructions, causing us to spin in frustrating circles.

But be encouraged!

Psalm 48:14 says: “For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.”

Even when our lives get crazy and spin awkwardly in circles, He is always there, ready to guide us to safety. Trust, obey, lean into God—and let go!

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