Thank you for your wonderful prayers this week. My neck is still in healing mode, but doing much better. I’ve had several good days and am certain it is because of all my faithful praying friends. My next goal is to begin eating by mouth—yogurt is on the Thanksgiving menu this week. With a swollen throat, it is still very difficult to swallow, so I appreciate your prayers as I attempt to move forward. This will thrill my mom to pieces as she is certain I am not eating enough to keep a bird alive. I assure her I am…but you know how moms are. She has given up on me eating liver, but has replaced that with the magical healing power of spinach juice. I don’t know where she gets these ideas…pray for me. Ha-Ha.
Special Friendships and Special Reminders
I had a wonderful visit from a dear friend recently. She ministered to me in a way I didn’t even know I needed. In her tears, she kept telling me how strong I was throughout my cancer journey. All I could reply was, “It’s not me. I am not a strong person. You are seeing someone that has no strength—God is carrying me. It’s ALL God.”
Now before you think I’m some goody-goody God glorifier, let me be the first to spill the beans. Sometimes in my humanness my thoughts can quickly turn inward and selfish. I can easily rationalize that I’m a good person, and struggle with questions like “Why doesn’t cancer happen to mass-murderers, godless people, etc.?” (It does, but this is my feeble brain talking here.)
And you know what God says? My Almighty God who sits on the throne of eternity hears my troubled cries and gently whispers, “Jacque, I chose you because I knew you would glorify me through all of this.”
In His soothing whisper, my Heavenly Father once again tenderly drew me to Himself reminding me why I am here on earth: To glorify Him. Period.
In His soothing whisper, my Heavenly Father once again tenderly drew me to Himself reminding me why I am here on earth: To glorify Him. Period.
Thank you, God, for special friendships and relationships. Thank you for your strength when mine fails. Thank you for journeys that glorify You.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
To be continued…
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