Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Journey - Part 6

I reached a milestone this week. These past seven weeks, three rounds of chemo chemicals invaded my body like a wild banshee and I’m relieved to have it all behind me. My sweet care-giving nurses said “This isn’t for sissies” and I’m here to tell you, they were right! One full round of treatment down with seven weeks of radiation/chemo to follow within the next few weeks. Your prayers have covered me, carried me and blessed me beyond words. Again, I thank you.
I received a wonderful card in the mail this week that I read and re-read. “Jehovah-Jireh: PROVIDER, Jehovah-Nissi: BATTLE FIGHTER, Jehovah-Shalom: GIVER OF PEACE, Jehovah-Rophe: HEALER, Jehovah-Tsidkenn: OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Jehovah-Shammah: EVER PRESENT ONE, Jehovah-Rohi: GOOD SHEPHERD. God is your STRENGTH, FRIEND, WISDOM, HOPE, SECURITY, GUIDE, JOY, PROVIDER, HELP, DEFENDER, PEACE, COUNSELOR, LIFE. All that He is, He is for you.” Thank you, Marilynn, if you’re reading this. It gave me strength and wonderful encouragement during the battle.
I guess if I have a specific prayer request this week, it would be to regain my appetite. I never knew how hard it would be to force myself to eat. I still battle some nausea, and have lost a lot of my taste senses, so that makes it even harder to enjoy anything worthwhile. It’s not easy bein’ green. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)


Draw me close to You
Never let me go…

When “E” answered the phone I quickly introduced myself, and was pleased that he had remembered my name from “T’s” conversation with him. Basically our 30 minute chat focused on his treatments, health concerns and daily ups and downs. Mainly he talked and I listened—which worked as a great balance in concealing my nervousness.
But all too soon, I felt the conversation was coming to an end, and I hadn’t yet had “the spiritual talk” I had so deeply desired to communicate. So finally I said, “You know “E”, I’m so happy that your treatments are going well for you. But I want you to know my faith in God is strong and I’ve already prayed about my decision to have the surgery. I have complete peace that God is leading me in this direction. Is there anything I can pray for, for you?” “E’s” immediate response was, “No, don’t worry about me. You just take care of yourself and get better.” That was pretty much it. I felt I had said what God had intended—and the door of witness opportunity closed—bam. To conclude our conversation, I mentioned if he ever came to Ark City, I’d hope to meet him face to face someday. I think he said that’d be good—I don’t quite remember. But through this incredible opportunity it was certainly clear; God had placed me in a position to share, if just a little, about my faith. And God was not finished with “E”.
All of this isn’t coincidence. And it certainly isn’t any of my doing. God didn’t ask me to give up co-leading a women’s bible study that I dearly loved—then immediately answer my prayer to attend another and be asked to pray for a man’s salvation and healing I’d never met—end up having the same type of cancer as this man I’d been praying for, for months—and have the chance to visit with this stranger—plant a seed about God and my faith, for nothing. Not a chance!
Up to this point, I couldn’t understand why God would allow cancer in my life. But if it was for the single purpose of a lost soul to hear about what faith can do—a man that God loves so deeply, He would go to great lengths to draw him to Himself in a personal relationship…and I just happen to be a minuscule speck of God’s divine drawing plan, then so be it! None of this would’ve ever happened if I hadn’t been willing to give up helping with the ladies bible study first—none of it! And God knew that. He drew me to Himself, presented the opportunity and waited for me at the crossroads to be obedient. It was all about the relationship.
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. –Jeremiah 31:3
If I have ever experienced the hand of God drawing me on a specific path, it has certainly been through this remarkable journey. Those little promptings…nudges…gentle whispers? That’s Him drawing—and waiting—and drawing and waiting. For the sole purpose of us to experience that unfailing, perfect relationship with Him. Oh, how He loves us so. Lord Jesus, draw me close.
To be continued…

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