Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week One... CHECK!

What a week! One that I never want to experience again! On the bright side, I've finished one full week of chemo. Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting to experience such extreme symptoms so soon. Beginning Tuesday evening, my nausea took over my appetite and by Friday, it landed me in the hospital for the entire weekend. Oh the miracle of IV fluids- thank you JESUS! I'm happy to report that I am now clean from my own shower (that someone cleaned for me while I was gone- thank you whoever you are!) snuggled safely in my bed, with my appetite slowly returning. My two cats that thought I had abandoned them are now contently curled at my feet.

My spoiled babies, Max & Suki

Because my symptoms have been so severe during this first week of treatment, the doctors have scheduled an out-patient procedure Monday afternoon to insert a stomach feeding tube. This will ensure that I get the nutrients needed to help me fight this battle. After this procedure, I get a blessed two week reprieve before round two begins.

Throughout this week, every time my spirits were low, a comment was sent at just the right time- isn't that so like God? :-) His perfect timing reminded me of how many of my sweet friends were praying for me. It meant so much.  If I don't respond, please know that I try to read every one of your comments. Believe me, they truly give me strength moment to moment.

Even with this bump in my journey, God continues to remind me of the importance of my relationship with Him. I hope these few words have encouraged you in your relationship with God as much as your precious words and prayers continue to encourage me.



  1. Praying for you moment by moment, sweet girl. Never underestimate the restorative power of a sleeping cat! I love you to the moon and back.

  2. "Summon your awesome power, oh God. Show us your strength as you have done before." Ps. 68:28.
    Praying this verse for you.

  3. If you need any fat, I'll gladly donate. Including you in my daily prayers and am thankful Lindsay is so diligent in updating everyone. You were already strong going into this and as you take the hits, find comfort in knowing that you inspire us. Our God is bigger than this.
